Dear Desert Heights Families,
We wanted to provide you with an update related to COVID cases on campus as well as protocols for mitigating the spread.
As of Monday August 30, 2021 we have had a total of 91 students impacted by a COVID case whether they were considered to be a close contact, or they were ill, or tested positive.
Breakdown of COVID data for Desert Heights
- Total enrollment K-12-937
- Total Positive Cases 8/2-8/31 (15 school days)-12
- DHPA students-9
- DHCS students-1
- Staff-4
- Students/Staff isolated due to close contact or symptoms-76
What Does this Data Mean?
A couple of things that are relevant to mention regarding the data is that the number of students in required isolation only counts each student once; however, some students have been isolated more than once due to different close contact situations, which means the instances of close contact is a higher number. This data for a 3-week time period is concerning given that these numbers are similar to what we were dealing with in November of last year when we had to return to virtual for the holiday season. At that time, we had not yet reached 12 cases total for the whole school year.
School Mitigation Measures
We have continued our mitigation measures of deep cleaning, creating conditions for frequent air circulation, sanitizing between student groups, allowing students to eat outside wherever possible, capping enrollment in certain grade levels for spacing in classrooms, and isolating those with COVID like symptoms from others visiting the nurse’s office.
At Home Mitigation Measures
As a condition of enrollment at Desert Heights, you as parents have agreed to support our mitigation strategies to keep our students safe, healthy and in-person for learning. Please do not send your child to school ill, please check their temperature at home and if it is above 99.9 degrees, please do not send them to school. A fever is a symptom of COVID and students who’ve developed fevers quickly have ended up testing positive for COVID. Inform the school immediately if your child has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID. Follow isolation and quarantine protocols. While those protocols are extremely frustrating and inconvenient, not following them could mean being in a situation where your family is impacted by having to isolate repeatedly, or even contracting COVID.
Mask Wearing
Mask wearing is optional on campus and in classrooms; however, Federal Law requires they be worn on all public transportation. Mask wearing is highly encouraged for 2 major reasons.
1.If someone tests positive but was wearing a mask and comes in to contact with your child who is also wearing a mask, the CDC does not require your child to isolate.
2.We have had a classroom where 4 students have tested positive for COVID. All close contacts that were consistently and correctly wearing their masks have all tested negative.
Instructional Methods
As of now all instruction for those in isolation or quarantine is asynchronous and is provided by their teachers through course content. There will be things your child is unable to do independently. In that case, the teacher will work with them to make those items up when they return. You are also welcome to reach out to the teacher if you are wanting to know more to help instruct your child at home.
We are launching Parent University this year. This will be a way in which you can watch videos created by our teachers and staff showing and explaining how to teach and practice very specific and important grade level concepts.
If we are forced to return to virtual learning due to an outbreak or a county requirement to do so, we will be providing iPads for every student enrolled. They will be equipped with the apps and materials needed for your child and are supported by our technology department. At this time, our 2nd-12th grade students are already in a 1-to-1 student to iPad scenario, but we are waiting for the K-1 iPads to arrive. In the event that we have to make a quick pivot to virtual learning, we will need to know a few things about your internet access at home. We would like every parent/guardian to complete this survey for each child, so we are best prepared to support your family.
Click the link to complete the quick survey for each child. (Please contact our front offices if you are needing to take this survey)
Clubs and Athletics
We recognize the weight of the last year and a half has been very heavy on our kids, so we are trying to balance offering the clubs and athletics we’ve been able to offer in the past with maintaining safety. We’ve decided that our students’ social and emotional well-being is extremely important and these outlets support our kids’ mental health and wellness. Therefore, we will be offering after school clubs with a limited number of students able to enroll in each. Cleaning measures, sanitization measures and distancing will be required, and again we encourage masks in order to allow students to continue in person without having to isolate or become ill. Information about sign ups will be going out today as well.
Thank you all so very much for your support, commitment and understanding as we navigate another tumultuous year. We are committed to ensuring we continue to offer quality education and family support. Proud to be part of this Coyote Village!
Your Principal,
Mrs. Miller