Technology in the Classroom
At Desert Heights our goal is to integrate technology into curriculum units to prepare students throughout their K-12 journey for college and career expectations. We provide interactive capabilities by installing smart TVs in all classrooms and we have developed a program that starts with devices to support classroom instruction which leads to a 1:1 implementation of iPads for high school students.
Smart TVs
All classrooms are outfitted with a Smart TV and some are further enhanced with touchscreen capabilities. Touch functionality has proven to be especially important in math classes since it provides students with a hands-on experience to interact with the curriculum.
To supplement the Smart TV setup, Apple TVs have been added to provide screen sharing functionality from the teacher and the student iPads. Additionally, the Apple TV device provides the classroom setup with additional apps for teacher's to supplement their instruction.
Student Devices
From kindergarten to high school, the key to engaging students and enhancing learning is to bring technology to the classroom. With more than 18,000 educational apps available through Apple’s app store, our schools realize iPads are not just cool toys anymore; they are formidable and effective learning tools that offer educators more diverse methods of engaging and educating students.
Our responsibility is to prepare students in this digital age, so developing a road map that provides access to technology at every age is integral to the Desert Heights educational experience.
- In Kindergarten & 1st grade each grade level has a mobile cart equipped with 30 iPads which provides opportunities for students to begin learning the proper use of technology by exploring age-appropriate learning apps. From creative activities, internet safety, learning site words and more, we have identified that introducing students to technology at an early age is an important step in their development.
- As our students move up in grade level in 2nd-6th grade they begin to receive additional technology resources. Each classroom has a mobile cart equipped with 30 iPads which provides opportunities for group work and for students to have access to an iPad throughout the day. While they cannot bring these iPads home in 2nd-6th grade, they do have an iPad assigned to them to use throughout their school day. Students are introduced to the Office 365 productivity apps which opens the door to learning about email etiquette and the creation of electronic documents and presentations while also continuing to learn about digital citizenship.
- In 7th and 8th grade all students receive a school-issued iPad that can be used on and off-campus to access coursework along with email and other collaborative, productivity tools like Office 365 and iWork. This configuration is important to provide a natural transition into our high school program. Students at this stage have an increased accountabilty for the production of electronic work along with a greater expectation for collaboration through the use of email and applications like OneNote.
- Regardless of grade level, all students in high school courses receive a school-issued iPad that can be used on and off-campus to access coursework along with email and other collaborative, productivity tools like Office 365 and iWork. We believe immersing high school students into technology not only assists them in the preparation for college, but also provides students with the hands on experience that benefits them once they enter the workplace. We offer a variety of technology electives from programming, digital art, and dance that extend the student's use of technology with the creation of applications, videos, and more.

Office 365
By implementing Office 365, we provide students with a collaborative system to effectively communicate via email with teachers and other students while also providing a hands on experience with tools utilized in the workforce. All 3rd-12th grade students are issued an Office 365 account which provides them with access to the following applications:
- Outlook
- Word
- Excel
- Teams
- PowerPoint
- OneNote
- OneDrive
- and more!
Online Curriculum
Our schools use a variety of online curriculum to allow for flexible and individualized instruction. Through this medium students can also access the necessary resources from home to extend their learning outside of the classroom. Using online curriculum also prepares our students for the transition to college where learning management systems are frequently used for online courses.
- Khan Academy
- MobyMax
- Zearn
- K5 Technology
- Savvas E-Text
- Swift Playgrounds
- Scratch
- Naviance
- CollegeBoard
- and much more!

The StudentVUE portal provides students with quick access to realtime class information from a web browser or the mobile app.
- Class Schedule
- Calendar
- Assignments/Grades
- Class Websites
- Report Cards
- Course History
- and more!