Dear Desert Heights Family,
As a community, we have experienced great challenges. As a family, we have persevered despite the challenges. Presently, our communities are facing an old nemesis that appears to be much stronger and aggressive and is targeting a much younger demographic. I want to thank all of our parents who have expressed concerns and offered ideas regarding what measures we can take to protect our communities from the spread of the COVID-19 Delta Virus. On a personal level, I have struggled mightily with this situation, as have our entire administrative team. Do we defy state leadership and executive orders as some districts are doing? Can we afford to risk punitive consequences like funding disruption if we do require mask wearing on campus? Do we stand idly by and hope that our students and staff are not the victims of close contact situations as many go without masks?
I am hopeful that by now, you, our stakeholders, trust that we do not wish to create division in our communities by appearing to be anything other than concerned for the health and well-being of our family. We do not wish to convince anyone that the virus is real or contrived. We do not wish to perpetuate any theories regarding the efficacy of the vaccinations or who might be getting rich as a result of the push to get vaccinated. We do not wish to devalue the horrific experiences that many families have faced losing loved ones. We just want to do whatever we can to keep our schools open. It is that simple. And we need your help to accomplish this.
On Friday, I met with our entire staff to ask that we all commit to wearing masks while on campus, even if vaccinated. I talked about a family’s accountability to one another even if there are fundamental differences in philosophy or belief. Presently, we are experiencing COVID exposure on both campuses despite our mitigation efforts. My ask of you is that you please consider sending your child(ren) to school wearing a mask even if they are vaccinated. Data suggests that even those who are vaccinated are contracting the Delta Virus at alarming rates. IF we stand idly by and do nothing, our campuses will be forced to close as a result of a shortage of staff, significant close contact situations and actual positive COVID cases, or eventually by state mandate. If our collective goal is to avoid a return to last year, we must take every measure to keep our schools open. I do not know if our students, staff, or parents are psychologically and emotionally prepared for a return to Virtual Learning.
Please…please consider supporting our efforts to stay on campus. Our students have been so happy to be in school. Their ability to do so is absolutely crucial to their overall development and mental stability. Please consider a return to wearing a mask on campus. If you have had a close contact situation or a positive test, please the appropriate staff member based on grade level, Ms. Bentley, and Ms. Viar for Preschool students or Mrs. Miller or any of our Health Center Support Staff for Kinder through 12th grade students. Any information disclosed will remain private. We are working to update our COVID information page on our website and anticipate that it will be up next week. Let’s come together as a family to keep those we love, the communities we love, as safe as possible under such challenging circumstances.
Optimistic and grateful,
Mr. Jiles