Photo of Amanda Brownlow

Amanda Brownlow

Advisory | High School Advisor

As a member of the Advisory team, I am excited to support students and provide them with a variety of resources and tools. As the freshman adviser I am presented with the unique opportunity to help students from the very beginning in mapping out their 4-year plan while also helping students identify the necessary steps to achieve their end goal. I focus students on gaining a better understanding of their personal interests and the importance of GPA. Also, freshman workshop topics typically relate to college assessment readiness and organizational skills, with an additional emphasis on note taking strategies (Cornell and subject styles) to help students better prepare for all assessments.

During the sophomore year, we begin focusing on the importance of preparing for the ACT/SAT through practice along with discussing early college opportunities. We dive further into AzCIS and gain a better understanding of the high school graduation requirements. From understanding GPA, credits and transcripts, we hope students begin to see the importance of investing in their education. Workshop content includes resume building, interview skills and scholarships. Dual enrollment and advanced placement courses, along with summer college opportunities are also common discussions during student meetings throughout the year.