Gifted Education Program
Desert Heights Charter Schools is proud to provide a challenging environment for students identified as Gifted, as measured by one of the state-approved assessments of cognitive abilities, by offering appropriate gifted education that may be different from the regular classroom program; specifically, in content, process, product, and/or learning environment. As gifted students are gifted “all day, every day,” gifted instruction is provided as an integrated, differentiated learning experience during the regular school day that promotes the development of each student’s intellectual, emotional, and social abilities.
Desert Heights Charter Schools provides routine screening using one of the state-approved assessments, the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). To meet the state definition of giftedness in Arizona and at Desert Heights Charter School, a student must earn a score of 97% or higher in at least one of the three areas assessed-verbal, nonverbal, or quantitative reasoning.
For more information, please visit the following resources or e-mail our school coordinator.
ESEA Coordinator (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)