K-8 Mathematics
In the 2023-2024 school year, Desert Heights Charter School completed the curriculum adoption process in order to approve a curriculum and supplemental resources that align with the Arizona State Academic Standards. The goal in this adoption cycle is to provide up-to-date, research-based, relevant, and appropriate materials that will effectively allow teachers and all students greater access to relevant curricular resources. Also, in accordance with Arizona Revised Statute 15-721, the proposed curricular materials was made available for a sixty-day period for public review as outlined below in the Phase 4 – Statutory Review section.
Desert Heights Charter Schools completed the adoption process with board approval in April 2024.
The Curriculum Review Team ensures that the adoption process is carried out appropriately and affirms the evaluation committee’s findings. The Curriculum Review Team members are not expected to evaluate the products but may participate in additional phases of the adoption process at their discretion. At each Curriculum Review Team meeting, members will vote to agree that the process is being followed as outlined in the adoption process. The Curriculum Review Team approves the Request for Proposal (RFP), Scope of Work (SOW) and evaluation rubrics used in all phases. By the end of Phase 1, the Curriculum Review Team will determine which vendors will move to the Intial Evaluation Phase.
Meeting 1 (October 5, 2023) - Meeting Minutes
Meeting 2 (October 17, 2023) - Meeting Minutes
Meeting 3 (October 26, 2023) - Meeting Minutes
The Evaluation Team will meet to review expectations for participation and understand how to complete the evaluation of materials using the Phase 2 Rubric.
Responsibilities of Phase 1 Evaluation Team Members
- Complete any required pre-evaluation training.
- Adhere to the rules and expectations including maintaining confidentiality and disclosing conflicts of interest.
- Evaluate all products within the specified time period. Only scores from evaluators who completed all of the evaluations will be factored into the overall Phase 2 scores.
- Participate in all meetings.
For this cycle, meetings will occur on the following dates.
- Meeting 1 (November 1, 2023) - Meeting Minutes
- Meeting 2 (November 9, 2023) - Meeting Minutes
During this phase, the Curriculum Specialist communicates with the two final vendors and coordinates the scheduling of demos and piloting for the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will participate in the demo and piloting of the product and provide weekly feedback during the process. The Selection Committee will conduct a final vote to select the final candidate to move on to the Statutory Review.
Selection Committee Results Meeting Minutes (Coming Soon!)
By statute, the final selection must be displayed for 60 days. Each school must display the product and allow for public viewing. Schools will maintain a sign-in sheet for stakeholders who review the product, and schools must provide an online form to submit feedback. Additionally, during this phase, the Desert Heights Charter Schools Governing Board will review the Best and Final Proposal along with the results of the statutory review to provide a final ruling on the approval of the final candidate.
Board Meeting Agenda (Coming Soon!)